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Bonnie Langenfeld from Landscapes in Fabric
Put a Pool Noodle in Your Art
My dear sister is a patient person, thank goodness. Her birthday was in January and now 7 months later, she has her gift from me. We had...

Bonnie Langenfeld from Landscapes in Fabric
Special Effects with Melted Felt!
Depending on the effect you want, sea foam may be created in thread or melted felt. The scale of the images makes a difference. In The...

Bonnie Langenfeld from Landscapes in Fabric
Simple Tricks to Make Your Sewing Life Easier!
I have discovered/remembered a few ideas that I implemented right away into my work routine. Perhaps they'll work for you! 1. This...
Bonnie Langenfeld from Landscapes in Fabric
Sew with Olive Oil
So a few days ago, I was trying to do a simple project-should have known 'simple' isn't really part of my vocabulary. Anyway, I was...
Bonnie Langenfeld from Landscapes in Fabric
A Quick Gift for the Season, and You
To thank you for being on my site, I want to share a quick and fun way to make a gift, a card, or get you thinking about how to interpret...
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